Wednesday, October 23, 2013

5 ways Monsanta wants to profit off climate change

From the article, we know that Monsanto purchased the climate change-oriented startup Climate Corporation for $930 million in order to reduce the agricultural damage brought from global warming. Due to the increasing temperature and global population as well as overusing the farmlands, it makes the agricultural industry even worse. To help the agricultural industry overcoming the difficulty, the company sold them five major climate change-related products. They are the data to help farmers making a clear plan for growing crops in a changing climate, the insurance for harvest losing, drought-resistant corn, cotton that needs less water for growing, and even the crops for biofuel.
The article states the claim clearly to the audiences, which is “ Global warming could mean big business for controversial agriculture giant Monsanto, which announced last week it was purchasing the climate change-oriented startup Climate Corporation for $930 million”. To make the research more trustable and increase his creditability, the author provides some data and studies given by experts and professors in his article. He also takes a good use of primary source, instead of the secondary sources as the evidence, which provides the detailed and technical information to audiences. Besides, author avoids using the subjective words to describe the matter or adding too many personal comments in the article since he wants to leave more space for the audiences to consider the matter by using their own knowledge and critical thinking rather than disturbing their creativity.

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