Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mormon leader: Same-sex marriage laws cannot 'make moral what God has declared immoral

I read an article, “Mormon leader: Same-sex marriage laws cannot 'make moral what God has declared immoral'” on Fox News. The article brings an argumentation about same-sex marriage which is one of great concerns recently. A top Mormon leader, Apostle Dallin H. Oaks, states the value claim that legalizing same-sex marriage is an immoral thing. He gives a statement that it is immoral because God has declared immoral. This statement is his ground to support his claim. However, the ground that he gave seems too weak to persuade Mormon believers, as well as the public which does not believe. The article claims that Oaks’ statement is irrational and immoral. It states that the Mormon Church teaches that same-sex attraction is not a sin. The article points out the contradiction of Mormon Church highlighing this statement to support its claim. It also provides another ground by using quotation from the church website states, “With love and understanding, the church reaches out to all God’s children, including our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.” I think the article gives great evidence to refute the Oaks’ claim through bringing quotation. In addition, the article emphasizes that Apostle Dallin H. Oaks who says legalizing same-sex marriage is immoral is a former Utah Supreme Court justice. It criticizes Oaks’ acting as a justice which always has to be objective to social issues. I think it can be a good warrant. In my opinion, the article gives value claim, and it supports its claim through grounds and warrants which are well-related with its claim.

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