Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Growth slows in Korean smartphone market

The article addresses the growth pace of the smartphone market in Korea which is gradually declining. There are evidences to back up this 'fact claim' that the average quarter increase of new Smartphone subscriptions since August marked 13.5 million, down from 25.4 million last year, according to the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and telecom industries. According to the author, there were 1.2 million new subscriptions in the second quarter this year (warrant). This was down from 1.6 million during the months from January to March. However, the stagnant growth pace does not indicate degreasing of the number of subscriptions. An explanation to this digression in the smartphone market is that the market is at the saturation level. I agree with a market expert who said, "the Korean market nearing saturation encouraged the domestic handset makers to pick up the pace for sales efforts in foreign markets." I assert that Samsung should try to develop smartphones with new technology, designs and functions in foreign markets such as Taiwan, Thailand, and China because domestic market for smartphones is saturated while the Asia market has a lot of potential for growth in sales.

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