Thursday, October 17, 2013

Have the People Spoken?

This is an article from written by Rick Reilly, a longtime columnist for ESPN. For a long time the NFL have been forced to consider changing the name of the Washington Redskins, because the word "Redskins" has negative connotations. Even President Obama recently weighed in on the state capitals football team name, saying he thought the name should be revised to be sensitive to those hurt by it. Rick's claim is that the people will always be offended, and it is usually a select few who actually are. Roger Goodell the commissioner of the NFL said that "even one person is offended on this issue, we need to listen" Reilly is claiming that we are worrying for people, that are not even worried about the issue. He ends the article by saying "Trust us. We know what's best. We'll take this away for your own good, and put up barriers that protect you from ever being harmed again. Kind of like a reservation". He is essentially using an argument based on reason, stating the illogical nature of the debate. His dad is even Native American, and his first hand accounts from him show no distaste for the name. This is a value claim, and Reilly is refuting the values are in the correct place, that the push to change the name is not benefiting those who apparently are effected by the name.

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