Thursday, October 17, 2013

How I Met Your Mother- The Broken Code

Season 9, Episode 4. 

So in this episode and how I bring this into argument is that it involves weirdness. The weirdness was the result of Ted holding the hand of Robin, his friends fiancĂ©, and he used to date her. And the debate as that if soon to be groom, Barney, is okay with that event happening. 

They eventually have a debate as to whether or not it was weird. Barney said that it was weird because she is his fiancĂ©, and I agree. But Ted would disagree in saying that they are still really good friends and that means he would hold Barney's hand in public. 

As I had previously mentioned, I agree with Barney. I would not want a friend of mine to be holding hands with my significant other, even if they were best friends. Going off of that, your spouse is supposed to be your best friend and you can hold their hand when ever you would like. They are supposed to be the ones you go to for everything, sorrow, happiness, frustrations, resting, etc. That is a purpose you spouse is suppose to serve. Not a friend or ex-lover. These are just examples of why it would be weird to have someone hold the hand of your significant other.     

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