Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mpls. Police to Wear Body Cameras in 2014

 According to this article, all Minneapolis police officers on patrol will be required to wear so called "body cameras" during all working hours. Ethically, I oppose this, because cops is a terrible show and this will only exacerbate the problem. However, in the context of a post-Zimmerman trial America, it is easy to see how this could be helpful, or even necessary. These cameras appeal to the common desire for more accountability in our police officers. However, factually speaking, they will cost money, upwards of 300 grand a year to maintain them. On the other hand, however, the article counters this point by pointing to the city's current eight million dollar yearly expenditure settling lawsuits related to police misconduct. The idea is that if all police wear these, that lawsuits of this nature will be able to be fought more effectively, or thrown out of court if they can be proven to be frivolous. In addition, knowing that they are always under scrutiny might cause police officers to conduct themselves more properly in the field.

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