Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Texas dad makes ‘bully’ son wear sign in public punishment

I read an article, “Texas dad makes ‘bully’ son wear sign in public punishment” on Fox News. A 4th grader spent the afternoon holding a sign that says “I am a bully. Honk if you hate bullies.” His father, Jose Lagares, says he came up with the punishment after his son got in trouble for bullying several times at school. He claims that bullying is a bad behavior and a serious problem that cannot be ignored. He makes his son wear a sign of shame to teach a lesson. Lagares anticipates opposing opinion about public punishment. He says that some people might consider this punishment as humiliation. However, he rebuts this predictable claim by providing a statement; bullying is also a form of public humiliation. Lagares says that, “My son understands that when he humiliates someone publicly that doesn’t feel good. Hopefully he will take that with him so the next time he tries to bully someone he will think about it twice.” I think he made a value claim that asserts the worth of something. He also made great rebuttal to the expected opposing opinion about public humiliation. On occasion, it is necessary for children to be disciplined when they misbehave.

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