Wednesday, October 30, 2013

US intelligence chief Clapper defends spying policy

This news reported that US intelligence chief defended spying policy, and the claim is that discerning foreign leaders’ intention was a key of the nations’ spying operations. The ground supporting that claim is that such efforts were the “top tenet” of US intelligence policy, according to Mr. Clapper, director of National Intelligence. The warrant is because leadership intentions is a basic tenet, surveillance on leaders is reasonable. Also the director of National Security Agency Gen Keith Alexander added that the information which led people believe that the NSA or US collected information is false was wrong and it was more important to defend the nation through surveillance to support the claim. Some background information was given, such as the Edward Snowden, who leaked documents about surveillance, and the significant criticism about President Obama. Even though someone is opposed to the action that collecting intelligence on leaders of US allies, and the fact is that there is no policy stopping such surveillance so far.

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