Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Discrimination by big name condom manufacturers??
Whenever I go to the store, I spend a lot of time in the condom aisle, just as I'm sure all of you do. During the course of these excursions, I have come to realize a few things. First, I was a bit taken aback by the sheer variety of choices available, from extra large to extra thin, to condoms with ribs or bumps, to condoms that appeared to be literally charged with orgasms. There were even condoms designated as "his&hers" to improve the experience of both sexes, an idea I'm sure is completely novel and unprecedented (everybody knows men don't enjoy sex). However, there were relatively few condoms of the non latex variety, and the ones that do exist are  boring and uninspired (none were charged with orgasms, that's for sure). Trojan, the largest condom manufacturer in the US, produces 8 times as many varieties of latex condoms as polyurethane ones. As many as 8.2% of people in the US may have a latex sensitivity issue, and this population segment is hugely underrepresented in the market, especially in an economic climate where you can find non-gluten just about anything despite the fact that as few as 3% of the population actually has a gluten intolerance. Condom companies need to really punch a hole in this demographic and stop discriminating against the 8%.

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