Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Getting Rid of Chemical Weapons

In light of the uproar regarding the use of chemical weapon attacks in Syria, many of called for the dismantling of chemical weapons. This article by PolitiFact examines the three most common methods by which the obsolescence comes about. Discussing these three methods, is an environmentalists by the name of  Paul Walker. The three methods are incineration of the weapons, neutralization using water to slowly cause the mechanisms and toxins of the weapon to self-destruct, and the ignition of the weapons in a controlled setting using water to capture the toxins. The implicit claim made by Walker was the latter method was the least desirable owing to it's arduous process and slow time frame, as well as the use of water to trap to the toxins. The author then proceeds that this method would also be least effective in Syria owing the large amount of manpower required to dismantle weapons using this method and the logistics of employing a workforce of the size in the middle of a civil war.

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