Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Matt Stemper blog post 2

In the article “Would a U.S. strike in Syria violate international law?” the authors Jon Greenberg and Louis Jacobson, make very clear arguments for both sides of the story. It is clear by reading the article that if the United States decided to strike Syria it would be against international law, however in the United States Constitution, it states that Congress can violate international law if it is in the nation’s best interest. No matter if it is in our constitution or not, it would still be deemed illegal on the international stage. In the past the United States has not cared about this, but the author makes the argument that if we do strike and it was deemed illegal, then we would lose a lot of credibility. If we were to say another countries actions were illegal, they wouldn’t have to listen to us because we are being hypocritical. The Authors seem to think that the USA is going to act in their best interest, whether that is strike Syria and turn a shoulder to international law, or not strike and keep our credibility.

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