Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Probe launched over claim that elite Capitol Police unit blocked from Navy Yard massacre

I read the article that claims about the late intervention of the Capitol Police at the scene of the massacre in the Washington Navy Yard. According to the author of the article, there are numerous sources that show that the tactical team of Capitol Police has been told to leave the scene until it is safe. As an example, the BBC reported that the “lives may have been saved if the team could have intervened” whenever they arrived. The author claims that the tactical team could have stopped the violence if they stepped in earlier. The Capitol Police and the House Administration Committee says that they are investigating about this allegation thoroughly. Furthermore, the different order of safety postures to the Senate and the House when the incident occurred makes more suspicious about unsatisfactory response of the Capitol Police. However, an official with the Capitol Police union denies this allegation because the tactical teams are always trained hard to prevent active shooter situations, which demonstrates the late intervention of the tactical teams as a nonsense. According to the article, the board will find out the fact no later than October twenty-first.

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