Wednesday, November 6, 2013

People who don't punch their ponies make me sick!

Louis CK has a bit in which he tells a story where his daughter gets bit a pony, and then his daughter then feels the need to research the prevalence of pony biting in the general population. As Louis states, "It's just like everything else on the internet, it's just fighting." One person makes the comment that when ponies bite, the proper punishment is to punch the pony only to have another person reply that anyone who punches their pony should have their pony taken away. Then another person comes in and says, "PEOPLES WHO DON'T PUNCH THEIR PONIES MAKE ME SICK!" (Some flair may have been added.) This final person fits into the article we read for class this week. It's hard to determine whether the person is intentionally trying to create a stir amongst pony owners, by their unorthodox remarks, or if they are really trying to facilitate real discussion. If the former is the case, and the poster was in fact attempting to troll and create a rise amongst the readers then they have the most assuredly succeeded. His or her comment has been featured on a nationally syndicated stand-up routine and elicited a visceral reaction from anyone in the audience who picture someone picture punching ponies. On the other, if the latter is the case, and the person was attempting the open the door to a new avenue of pony training, then perhaps they have failed as pony punching has yet to take hold.

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