Thursday, October 3, 2013

Climate Change Protests Heat Up

Amy Goodman wrote the article, Climate Change Protests Heat up by, in the article a lot of information is thrown at the readers. It is obvious right away that Amy Goodmans claim is that the Keystone XL pipeline that would go through Canada and the United States is a bad idea, on the grounds of environmental issues. She states many reason people are protesting this; one of them is the Global Warming phenomenon, with more oil drilling and transporting, the earths climate will continue to warm at an incredible pace, which is detrimental to our environment. There are also many other reasons why people are protesting; if the pipe were to burst at any point the repercussions would be terrible. The oil could destroy the land and even make its way into aquifers and pollute them. The rebuttal by the governments were not very effective, Obama just delayed the issue and the Canadian Prime Minister made his scientist be quiet about the topic, to repress the disapproval. This issue is really hot around the world many activists groups are raising there voice on this topic, and it seems that the author, Amy Goodman is backing them.

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