Thursday, October 3, 2013

'Mass Panic': Car chase from White House to Capitol ends in gunfire, suspect dead

There was an "Isolated Incident" which involved a woman trying to ram a Secret Service Agent as well as The White House gates.

The fact claim I found, "Officials say the incident was not related to terrorism. "
Which is what I expected at first anyways. Since the Government shut down there has been a lot of talk about it. And I mean A LOT. Many people are going to extremes such as this woman trying something crazy and it cost her her life. Although this is the first instance like this since the shutdown, I expect something similar to happen. Hopefully not too extreme. But I feel like more out-lash is likely. There were shots fired and a baby involved, the baby is probably safe but the article does not disclose his/her condition. With multiple witnesses and being right outside our governments doors, I'd say this is well documented enough to be valid information.


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