Thursday, October 3, 2013

Watch: Robots That Hunt Down Jellyfish and Destroy Them

The news I read which is from entitled “Watch: Robots That Hunt Down Jellyfish and Destroy Them.” It claims that people now use robots to solve the problems caused by jellyfish blooms. In addition, it argues that it is the ocean acidification that leads the jellyfish blooms and human should be blamed.

At the beginning of the article, the author uses the paralyzation of the world’s largest boiling-water nuclear reactor, which was caused by jellyfish blooms, to claim that jellyfish blooms is a serious common problem. This is a fact claim, and the author uses several evidences to support it. First, the paralyzation also happened in 2005. The spokesperson of the plant owner convinced the cause is a huge amount of jellyfish. Secondly, it also leads to many nuclear shut down in other places. Additionally, jellyfish blooms also cause problems for a coal-fired plant in 1999. Then the author makes a value claim that a solution is provided by KAIST. Also, by using the data given by KAIST, the author tries to convince people it is a good way to solve the problem. After that, the author argues that jellyfish is more adjustable against the changes of the ocean. At the end of the article, the author quotes from a biologist that argues the jellyfish blooms occur because human damages the world’s oceans. Then a policy claim is actually indicated: human should take action to protect the oceans, otherwise robots will become “our last, best hope.”

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