Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flame Off - Gun Control

     I decided to find a video about gun control. I found a report on some of the affects of gun control in Australia such as an increased crime rate, I did not want to use my UMN email address so I created the handle "Donut82". I started off my comment by stating a simple, neutral, and logic opinion that surmised as I do not believe an all out weapons ban would work in the U.S. however, I believe things could be changed such as closing the gun show loophole and asking if it is really that inconvenient to have a rapid background check completed if you were to purchase a firearm. Shortly after Sugergrover6868 commented, claiming something like yes it is all the "rednecks" fault. Please read the comments because then hilarity ensured.
     Regardless of what I said or whatever argument I made backed up with evidence this Sugergrover6868 would go off onto some sort of tangent about the liberals, the government, and even minorities. I picked and chose what to respond to but when I did i backed it up with evidence and links to news articles. It seemed this person was just talking to talk and because I engaged back that just gave this individual more reason to respond. While this individuals arguments were scattered and not backed by evidence, I feel my counter claims and arguments were backed with evidence and presented a cleared picture of the situation without being a "troll".

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