Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It’s ‘way past time’ for gay rights law

I read an article, “It’s ‘way past time’ for gay rights law” on CNN website. John Sutter claims that congress should pass Employment Non-Discrimination Act. This claim is definitely a policy claim. According to John, a majority of Americans in every state, even conservative states, supports legislation that would ban workplace discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. He introduces several cases which some people are fired from their company because of the reason that they are homosexual. John mainly uses pathos to emphasize that homosexual people cannot be fired for being themselves. He provides a predicable rebuttal from opponents that some conservatives will trot out all manner of dated and discriminatory arguments to say the legislation isn’t needed or will cause unwanted problems. He refutes the predicable claim. He says that we have laws to protect people of different races, religions, and disabilities from being fired because of who they are. However, there is no federal legislation for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people. John insists that legislation to protect homosexual people is good for business. He suggests a quotation from Apple’s CEO to support his assertion, “We’ve found that when people fell valued for who they are, they have the comfort and confidence to do the best work of their lives.” I think the author made great policy claim which really need these days. He also made great rebuttal to the predicable opposing claim. Being gay or lesbian doesn’t mean that they have low abilities. Dismissal for this reason is completely unfair.

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