Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flame off

I tried to find a video followed by some debates about study abroad and I did find some but they are too old to be commented. Most of them were published before one year so I decided to comment on another topic which is related to mine.
The video I found on YouTube is Will College BAN Your Cell Phones. It is part of a show called TYT University and this part is about banning cell phones. More professors want to ban cell phones in class so this show did some research about using cell phones in class. The result shows that most people use cell phone to text and check social websites. The guest Lisa argues that professors should not ban cell phones. She lists sever reasons: college students are adults and they know what they are doing; it is your own thing that you waste time or waste money and no one cares.
Following the video, there are two main sides in the comments. People who support Lisa think that some people use cell phones to check lecture notes online and it is their own business whether they want to listen to the professors or play cell phones as long as they don’t distract others. Other people who think it is a good idea to ban cell phones list two main points. First of all, the result showed in this show tells us people seldom use cell phones to help their study. In addition, professors need to be respected.
Personally, I disagree with Lisa. As a comment I posted says, we should respect our professors and listen to them when they are talking. We all know that when others are talking to us, the polite way we should perform is looking into their eyes and listen carefully. Then why we can’t do this to our professor. The other point I made is banning cell phones help use control ourselves. We all know playing cell phones during classes is wasting time and wasting money, then why we keep doing that. It is because we don’t know how to control ourselves. So this measurement is right what we need to help us control ourselves. My conclusion is “banning cell phone is not only beneficial for professors but also for students.
Here is what I posted : 
I think it is a good idea to ban cell phones in class. I am a university student and I think I can understand the professors who hate their students playing cell phones when they are teaching.
 First of all, professors need to be respected. We would feel being neglected if people play phones while we are talking to them. So we should show some respect to our professors. Secondly, banning cell phones is a good way to help us control ourselves. We all know play cell phone games or chatting by social app is wasting time and wasting money, then why we still do that? It's just because we can't control ourselves very well. So this rule is helping us save time and money and also help us focus on our classes.
Banning cell phones is not only beneficial for professors but also for our students. So why not.

A user called “Slytheclaw” claims that students don’t even have to go to class because wasting money is your problem but you should not distract other people. Then I replied him that I agreed with him that distracting others is the worst thing to do in a class but we still need to attend classes and listen to professors. Since we know wasting money is a bad thing then why we don’t try to avoid it. Banning cell phones is a good idea to avoid wasting money. Another user “alonzo9772” thinks “it’s not the professors’ job to make sure every single person is listening to them” because most people in the class are only taking the class because it is a core requirement. I also replied to him. It is true that a lot of people take classes only for graduation but professors are also responsible for them. Professors are hired by colleges and they take the responsibilities of providing high quality teaching and helping their students become better. So banning cell phones is a way they try to do their jobs better.
Here are my two responses:
 Distracting others is the worst thing to do in a class but it's also not good if we don't listen to the professor or only focus on our cell phone. We should consider the professor's feeling. They need to be respected.

Although for the most time we take classes only because we need them to graduate, we still need to listen to the professor. I don't really understand why you think "it's not the professors' job to make sure every single person is listening to them". They are hired by colleges and of course they take the responsibilities of providing high quality teaching and helping their students become better. So banning cell phones is a way they try to do their jobs in a higher quality.

I also found a claim that  
"If a professor doesn't want cell phones in the classroom, then he should teach high school kids and not adults"

My response is "If a guy can't focus on a class and takes good use of time and money, he should go back to high school to learn some basic principles of life."

After reading all the comments, we found that some people argue that they need electronic equipment to take notes and they think it is an environment-friendly way to take notes. For this claim, I think it is kind of tampering the concept. The video is talking about cell phones instead of electronic equipment such as laptop and we don't really take notes by phones. So I wrote a comment as follow: 
It is reasonable to use a laptop in class but the thesis of this video is about cell phones and they are not the same. If we are confident about ourselves and we are sure we are able to control ourselves, using laptop to take notes is acceptable. But if we can't, taking notes by pens and papers is a good way to avoid keep checking social websites and chatting online with others.
But cell phones are not good tools to take notes, so taking notes here is just an excuse.

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