Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Article: “FBI Releases Video of Navy Yard Gunman Stalking Prey” -

I read the Fox News article ( who wrote about the latest surveillance videos released by the FBI in regards to the Navy Yard shootings last week by the hands of Aaron Alexis who killed 12 people.  Within the article, there were more details in regards to what the shooter was wearing, where the video was captured (both in hallways as well as parking facility) and how the shooter maneuvered the hallways with his own shot gun, purchased two days prior and a separate gun “…believed to have been taken from one of the victims”. 

Fox News reports that the head of the FBI office in Washington, Valerie Parlave, stated that Alexis had a “well-documented history of mental illness” and that he, Alexis, “held a delusional belief that he was being controlled by extremely low frequency waves or ‘ELF’ waves”.   There was also a video snippet tied to the article which showed a few images of the FBI video.  The article did not include any other claims or commentary except quotes from the FBI and their latest news conference, however feel they (Fox News) used fairly strong vocabulary/phrases (…”Talking Prey” and “stealthily hunting down victims”) for an increased dramatic feel.

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