Wednesday, September 25, 2013

'Yellow brick road' leads to Massachusetts pirate booty, explorer says

The article I read is ‘Yellow brick road’ leads to Massachusetts pirate booty, explorer says from fox news. This news is to record the experience of an explorer-Barry Clifford and report it so there is not a clear argument. But this article does write about a claim from Clifford and show his evidences supporting the claim - more artifacts can be found from the wreck of the pirate ship Whydah.
The experience of the Whydah shows there is a big chance that a lot of treasures are on board. “The Whydah sank in a brutal storm in 1717 with plunder from 50 ships on board” wrote in this article. According to Colonial-era documents discovered in April, the Whydah raided two ships before it sank. The Whydah was a pirate ship and these evidences show it raided a lot of ships so Clifford believes that when the Whydah ship sank it had plenty of treasures on it.
What they have found indicates there are more treasures. Clifford pulled up some compelling evidences on the prior trip: “a cannonball piled with 11 coins and a foot-and-a-half long piece of iron stacked with 50 coins”. (Fox, pars. 15) Clifford believes those coins is an example of what’s left because the possibility that all of those coins just happen to fall on these pieces is very small.

Clifford will get back to the wreck of the Whydah in the spring and he is very excited about looking for more artifacts.

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