Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Obama: "Raising Debt Ceiling Does Not Increase Our Debt"

This is a transcript from the Rush Limbaugh Show between a caller and Mr. Limbaugh going over the idea of national debt and a small bit of state debt. There are two claims, in my opinion, made in this transcript. First claim was brought about by the caller asking if her state governor was able to get Arizona out of debt and back into the black within two years, and a few other states able to do the same, why is the federal government not able to do so.  Mr. Limbaugh's claim is they do not want to be debt free due to the power it gives them. He backs it up with democrats not wanting to limit their spending or anything else they want financially wise. I see his argument as the more they can collect or outright take from the people the more the people will have to go to the government for help/assistance or approval.  Second claim I picked up on was that Obama doesn't think there is any correlation between raising the debt celling and the total amount of the country's debt.  Mr. Limbaugh took President Obama's words to make an argument of the exact opposite. His stance seems to be that raising the limit only means you have that much more to pay back.  That does not equal free and clear money. Along with the fact that the money being printed now by raising the amount of debt allowed, has nothing to back it up and is basically the same as counterfeit.

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