Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Matt Stemper, The 2nd Amendment

In this Article the author, Maxim Lott, discusses the debate regarding the 2nd Amendment. Does it mean the right to bare arms for any lawful reason, or does it mean to bear arms and maintain a militia. Well, that is what the senate webpage states. The author is very obvious on where he stands, he states that there is no debate, because the Supreme Court has looked over many of these cases and every time they have stated that people have the right to bear arms for lawful uses, such as self defense. The author clearly takes a stance when he states that the Senate website administrators are simple wrong, and need to revise their website. The argument was brought up that a Texas history book states that there has been a debate over the meaning of the 2nd Amendment, but that is debunked when the author writes that the book was made before the Supreme Court ruling, so it is irrelevant.

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