Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lets Compromise Over Obamacae!

In this article by Kevin Drum the author believes compromise is the way to make Obama care get passed into law and actually help those without health insurance like it is supposed to. The author surmises that if the “employer mandate” which would require employers to pay the subsidy costs for low income workers (30hrs or less), were dropped that Obamacare would have a very good chance of being passed into law. He also argues that in his opinion Republican’s will do anything to kill this proposed law. Simply because they do not like it in principle, as shown by Ted Cruz’s not-filibuster filibuster. So even compromising on the employer mandate would solve nothing. The author gives relatively few examples to support areas of compromise that might be dropped from the law in order to get Republican support, but I think that is his whole argument that no matter what was removed from Obamacare the Republicans would still want to kill the proposed law that is Obamacare.


"Kevin Drum." Mother Jones. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.

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