Wednesday, September 25, 2013

UN Arms Treaty will be Menace to US for Years to Come

 The article named “UN Arms Treaty will be menace to US for years to come” claimed that UN Arms Treaty signed on Wednesday was a big mistake and would be harmful to the United States, because the Senate would have no real opportunity to reject the treaty. There was a loophole in the process of ratifying treaties, meaning that we have to obey the treaty that the Senate has never ratified. Since treaties today are not what they were yesterday, they are not just about international conduct but also about our daily life. The Treaty would be more troublesome because the administration will use all the powers to enforce the treaty. Relevant terms of the Treaty are “international humanitarian law” and “international human rights law.” By committing to these terms, the United States will give other countries new opportunities to affect the U.S. firearms market as well as domestic firearms market. Proponents of the Treaty are still seeking to protect their human rights, which will cause uncontrollable circumstances of the United States. Opponents of the Treaty are voicing their opposition in order to call for the president’s rejection on signing the Treaty and thus avoid the far-reaching menace for the U.S.

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