Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cereal Companies are Evil.

The Onion article entitled, "Cereal Commercial Completely Neglects Showing Numerous Life Problems Character Faces Beyond Breakfast" takes a look at the phenomena of cereal companies failing to show the hardships that characters in cereal commercials. The article claims that by cereal companies failing to show the rest of character's life, they are portraying an inaccurate lifestyle for the character. This portrayal misleads viewers by not showing the social and fiscal hardships experienced by the character. The claim is that cereal companies show an inaccurate life of the commercial's character. The grounds for this claim are that the rest of the life of the character fails to be seen by the viewer, as well as the unrealistic acts done by the character such as pouring the milk into the bowl for twelve to fifteen seconds. The warrant being that people have lives outside of breakfast, and anyone who poured milk for that long is crazy.

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