Thursday, November 21, 2013

"A Modest Proposal": Alternatives to Abortion

            One of the main reasons that many people use as a reason to keep abortions legal is that they can terminate the pregnancy if they find out that their child will be born with a birth defect or disease.  Some people even think it is okay to do an after-birth abortion.  What about the people who do not get diseases until they are older? Once we find out that they have a disease, we should just kill them too, right?  Or why should we kill the children right away? Let’s wait until they’re older and kill them then!
            Another reason that I have heard a little bit of is that abortions are fine because it’s a way of reducing overpopulation.  If we want to reduce overpopulation, we could just start killing people once they hit a certain age.   We could just have an international law where once you get to your birthday of a certain age, someone is designated to snap your neck and get rid of you.  Sounds like a perfectly plausible option!
Another option we have is to have everyone have a restriction on the number of children they are allowed to have.  That would surely reduce overpopulation!  If we are killing babies by having abortions anyway, why not have them be mandatory after someone has a certain number of children?  If we see nothing wrong with abortions, why would we find anything wrong with this tactic?

There are so many options to face the problems that we use as an excuse for abortions being “okay”.  These solutions seem to make just as much sense to me as simply just keeping abortions legal.

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