Thursday, November 21, 2013

Australian kangaroo exporters look to hop into meat-hungry China

Australian officials are claiming there is a great market for selling kangaroo meat as a luxurious and exclusive product to China. Grounds are China has a fast growing middle class with a growing meat consumption with the increased personal cash flow in that middle class. Warrant being most Australians will not eat it and usually has just been seen as a pet food ingredient. This also factors in a little bit of an argument by dilemma. Kangaroos are not farmed-not allowed to be in Australia. They are hunted only from the wild (except for those ones in sanctuaries and zoos) and right now there is a lack of grazing area, due to drought,  between the healthy populations of kangaroos and cows. There are already some Chinese buyers willing and ready to accept this new delicacy(for them) although it is not official and legal yet. As I see it in the way it was explained, it is like hunting a deer and if there is a place the meat can go to be beneficial rather than wasted why not as long as I don't have to eat it.

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