Thursday, November 21, 2013

Modest Proposal

People who agree with corporal punishment think the corporal punishment is effective method for education. However, there are some ironies. In school, teachers teach that the violence is wrong behavior and hitting someone is the violence. Though the lesson, teachers hit the students in the name of the education. Students, especially kids, learn the behavior and word of their teachers. The students can think the violence based on reason is just and right. The most important thing is that the corporal punishment is putting the cart before the horse. The education is for students. Parents and teachers teach them and remedy their fault for children. However, the corporal punishment is not for children, but just for education. Children do not bad behavior because they are afraid of the corporal punishment. There is a line in a drama with Korean high school, “It means that you will only be nice when you are beat up.” A teacher says the line to his students who is heavy trouble maker. The corporal punishment make the strong person is the best. The teachers make students think the teacher and parents are objects of fear. That is not the effective method of “EDUCATION.” The corporal punishment is the effective method of “MAKING STUDENTS AND CHILDREN BE SHUT UP AND BE NICE.”

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