Thursday, November 21, 2013

Modest Proposal: Satire, Irony, and Sarcasm

The Worst Idealism

             Nowadays, many South Korean feel a sensation of fear for a contingency of war because of frequent North Korea's provocative attack. However, there are still a lot of people who want to persist with the Sunshine Policy which aimed at supporting the North Korean in order to achieve peaceful unification between North and South Korea. What a beautiful idealism? Do we have to give financial assistance to the North Korean government for peaceful unification? We have been doing this for fifteen years, but what happened? What happened to the $8 billon support fund from the last 15 years? This is perfect irony. We should not forget the Korean War has not ended but it is in abeyance, so North Korea is still our enemy. Who support their enemy? Where does the money go? In South Korea society, the majority of the people are insensitive to the danger associated with North Korea, but the North Korean government is developing enormous weapons against South Korea. There is no ideal socialism anymore in North Korea, so we have got to throw the idealism away for peaceful unification. How childish can North Korea be? They threaten South Korea whenever they need economic aid. The people who try to help North Korea need to understand that the Sunshine Policy has failed since the money for supporting North Korean citizens has been used for nuclear development which is now threatening us. Their blind faith in supporting North Korea for peaceful unification will actually cause the worst situation between the two Koreas.

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