Thursday, November 21, 2013

Black Friday Shopping

I know that people justify Black Thursday night and Friday all day shopping with the deals they get but what makes it a good deal? 

To sit out in the cold instead of spending precious time in a nice and warm home with the family (hopefully) would be the obvious choice to make. But people just want their good deals right? For something like a TV or an Xbox One or PS4 or anything of the sort. Well from what I have heard, the people don't always necessarily get those things, it all depends on where you are in the line and what ticket gets handed to you. This is usually how it goes. 

Though one just finds themselves buying something that they really don't need, but just because it was a good deal they do VS spending time with family and friends. I would prefer to spend time with the family and friends. Although I would also say, that the people could spend time with their friends and family on days before or after Black Friday. That is fine. 

So, with all the buzz, going or not going Black Friday shopping should be alright because there are always other days to spend with loved ones.     

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