Thursday, November 21, 2013

Article Evaluation: Oprah Plays Obama Race Card from the Canada Free Press Website (also discussed on Fox News)

While traveling, I saw a snippet on the news (believe it was Fox News) discussing Obama’s current approval ratings and how some believe his lower ratings are due to Obama’s race, being African American.  I wanted to hear more so found an article in the Canada Free Press which reports that Oprah Winfrey, during a recent BBC interview commented on a recent statement made by Republican Congressman (Joe Wilson-South Carolina) who called the President a “liar” due to the recent Affordable Health Care Act issues.  Winfrey stated, “…there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs and that occurs in some cases and…maybe because he’s African American”.  The author of this article took the stance that comments like this is “pure hogwash” and Obama has “…received preferential treatment from the media because of his race and liberal policies”.  I believe the article had a majority of value claims as he makes statements around the fact that the President’s race has nothing to do with how his approval ratings are and how many republican presidents had to do with constant attacks from the Left, such as Regan and W. Bush.  Another opinion he states which leads me to believe this is a value claim is that he says the president, “…fumbled the rollout of ObamaCare.  Clearly, he did not fumble because of racism in the country; it was due to his administration’s utter incompetence and the waste, fraud and abuse that characterize ObamaCare and every government program.”




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