Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mars meteorite 1st look at Red Planet's ancient crust

I read an article named "Mars meteorite 1st look at Red Planet's ancient crust" on It claims that the meteorite NWA 7533 found in the Sahara Desert last  year is the first recognized piece of ancient Martian crust, and it helps a lot on the research of Red Planet.
The author first provides the backgrounds of the meteorite NWA 7533 according to the researchers. By quoting the words from Munir Humayun, who is the lead author of Florida State University, the author argues the importance of having such a meteorite, which contains information of highlands of Mars. NWA 7533 can help people understand more about Mars. Then the author gives more evidences on Humayun’s work, which enhances the credibility of the argument.  He and his colleagues analyze NWA 7533 and found that Mars had a crust within the first 100 million years of the start of planet-building. The author mainly makes fact claims in this article. He also claims that researchers have found high concentrations of normally rare elements on Mars, and after measurement, they can calculate the thickness  of the Red Planet’s crust. The author uses quotes from Humayun again and again to give details on the research and support his fact claims.
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