Thursday, November 21, 2013

Modest Proposal

After taking power in March, the Chinese President Jinping Xi launched a high-profile anti-corruption campaign, vowing to catch both tigers and files – big and small corrupt officials. There are many campaigns in China, but this one appears to be the most vigorous since China opened up. By now, some corrupted officials have been caught. For example, the mayor of Nanjing, a major city in eastern China, was arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes worth about $3.3 million last month.

I feel so angry about this. My proposal is that please stop this stupid campaigns! This campaign is just like a rock standing in the way towards success or something. I cannot imagine that one day we Chinese could live in a society without corruption, which would be terrible since we have no way to get success. It is obvious that if you bribe somebody, you can get the door open. The more bribes, the higher opportunities. What do the students in China study so hard? To work for government or any other companies after graduation and accept the brides! That is obvious. So please stop that campaign and keep the corruption going on.

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