Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Modest Proposal

Average Starbucks workers should not have had to gone to court over tips. Average Starbucks workers should not have to now abide by a law forcing them to share tips with their shift supervisors. It is bad enough the average Starbucks worker is only working part-time and in those part-time hours slaving away at grinding coffee beans and concocting Frappuccino’s for the much better off average American consumer. How dare a law be put into effect that these people, treated almost as sweatshop workers be forced to share a pittance of a tip left by a kind soul or two. Even worse is that it has to be shared with a person under the title of “Shift Supervisor”. A worker that only works part-time as well, grinds coffee beans, concocts and serves Frappuccino’s to those important people coming through the door but has the luck of getting the task of juggling everyone’s schedules for the week and keeping the work day run smoothly. So unfair to share tips with a fellow part-time worker that, if even, is paid probably only 50 cents more than that average Starbucks worker due to  the privilege of having more stressful responsibilities. Average Starbuck worker if this is unsatisfactory and unfair for you, as it should be, take a stand and do something about it by working at a place like McDonalds…where there are no tips. No tips, no legal battles to fight over sharing.

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